KNMG artsen podcast

My podcast (in Dutch) with Niels Maijers for the KNMG is now online. Here we discuss AI in health-care. In deze aflevering van de Artsen Podcast gaan we in op de kansen en valkuilen van AI in de zorg. Vanuit recente toepassingen van AI bespreken we randvoorwaarden en (on)mogelijkheden voor kwaliteit en patiĆ«ntveiligheid. En natuurlijk…

Artificial intelligence is not going to replace the doctor in the near future

I’ve been interviewed for the monthly journal of the Dutch Society Of Medical Oncology on the subject of Artificial Intelligence in oncology/healtcare. The interview is in Dutch (but google translate does a good job of translating it to English, or try DeepL Translate). De term kunstmatige intelligentie, meestal artificial intelligence genoemd, zoemt in toenemende mate…

Telegraaf 28th of June 2014

In the newspaper “De Telegraaf” an articleĀ was published on the 28th of June in the science section. It mentions Tom van Meerten and myself concerning the “Bas Mulder Award” that has been rewarded to Tom van Meerten.