Very happy with the fact that yesterday the Young Academy Groningen was launched!
As outlined on the University of Groningen site: The Young Academy of Groningen are a group of enthusiastic top young researchers who, in addition to their research programs, are driven by an interest in the broader aspects of science, including outreach, diversity, interdisciplinary research, and developing viewpoints on science policy.
Founding members of the Young Academy Groningen. Top row: Lude Franke, Mladen Popovic, Diederik Roest, Michel Vols, Rudolf Fehrmann, Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Middle row: Irene Tieleman, Martine Maan, Cyril Moers, Marie-Jose van Tol. Bottom Row: Dorina Buda, Martijn Wieling, Marthe Walvoort, Pratika Dayal. Missing: Bettina Reitz, Merel Keijzer, Jan Willem Veening.
For more information check the page of the Young Academy Groningen